Here’s your Eastern Sierra Fishing Report 11-6-23. Weather has turned to the colder side this week as a cold front sweeps through bringing some light snowfall and heavy wind to the area. Temperatures will be cooler this week. The Lower Owens River flows have started to climb at a steady rate and are slated to continue to increase to 500 to 600 cfs through the month of December. This will put a damper on the fishing conditions until the river stabilizes. Prior to the increase the drift boat and wade fishing was good down here, with a good mixed size of rainbow and brown trout. Hot Creek continues to produce some nice fish and the brown trout are now in pre-spawn mode. The Upper Owens River has been fishing well both above and below the bridge. Fish are starting to move up and down the river as they prepare for the coming winter. Flows on the East Walker River have plummeted down to 20 cfs which is unfortunate given the river is still open until November 15th. Prior to this drop fishing was excellent here with good numbers and some monster trout.
Upper Owens River flows are holding at 76 cfs. The section below the bridge is now barbless and artificias only, no bait. The section above the bridge is the same and zero limit. More fish are entering the river now for the fall run and moving around trying to find their winter lies. Covering water will help locate fish and you will see plenty of fingerlings from last years spawn making a showing. The fish are keying in on all of these offerings. Best nymphs have been Pheasant Tails in sized #16 -18, Copper Johns, Bead Prince Nymphs, Hare’s Ears, SD Crawlers in Red, #16 San Juan Worms, and various midges in #14 -20..
Hot Creek is fishing very well in both sections. Egg patterns are now getting some looks as the spawn season nears. #18-22 Pheasant tails, midges, assassins, caddis pupa, and serendipity have been getting the job done. The canyon section will be less pressured then the Interpretive Site. SJ worms #14 – 16, #18 Blood Midge, #18 – 20 Tungsten Zebra, #20 Bead Prince Nymph Tungsten, Broken Black and Blue Midge, #18 -20 Crystal Caddis Larva Green Black, #18 – 20 Crystal Copper Zebra Midge, #18 Flashback Hare’s Ear, #22 -24 Griffith’s Gnat, #20 Serendipity Black.
Lower Owens River is now rising and set to get up to 600 cfs by December. This will minimize and eliminate wading possibilities for the next few weeks. Once the river settles, we will continue to drift boat the river. The fish we have been catching prior to the increase have ranged from 8 – 21″ in length.
East Walker River flows have crashed to 20 cfs. This will eliminate much of the water available to fish except for the deepest pools. Most of the patterns listed for the waters above are getting the fish to play here. Larger streamer patterns have also been effective in the deeper sections. We are seeing a mix of fish ranging from 14 – 26″. Heavier flies like Crawdads and Rubber Legs are good choices as well.
Thanks for reading our Eastern Sierra Fishing Report 11-6-23.

Scott fished with Two Bug Doug and bagged this rainbow trout on the Upper Owens River.

Len fished with Doug R. and got this nice rainbow trout on the Lower Owens River.

Jon fished with Doug R. and got this nice rainbow trout from the Upper Owens River.

Mitch fished with Two Bug Doug and got this great rainbow trout from the Lower Owens River.

Rich scored this bright and colorful brown trout fishing with Two Bug Doug on the Lower Owens River.

Stan fished with Doug R. for this colorful rainbow trout on the East Walker River.

Stan with another nice rainbow trout.

Stan with a large East Walker River brown trout.

Frank fished with Doug R. and got into some large fish like this rainbow trout from the East Walker River.

Frank with another nice rainbow trout.

Brian fished with Doug Dolan and got this nice rainbow trout on the Lower Owens River.

Roland displays a beautiful rainbow trout while fishing with Doug Dolan on the Lower Owens River.

Chris fished with Two Bug Doug on the Upper Owens River and got this stellar rainbow trout.

Mark scored this big time rainbow trout while fishing with Doug Dolan on the Upper Owens

Adam got into some good ones like this rainbow trout while fishing with Two Bug Doug on the Lower Owens River.

John hit the East Walker River with Doug R. and got this giant rainbow trout.
Thanks for reading our Eastern Sierra Fishing Report 11-6-23.