Here’s your Eastern Sierra Fishing Report 10-10-23. Fall is here, and with it comes cooler overnight temperatures and very pleasant days in the mid-60’s to 70’s in Mono County and 70’s to 80’s in Inyo. Water levels are as good as they have been in the fall in many years. Moving water creeks and rivers are in prime shape currently and the trees are turning before they begin to drop their leaves. The fish are also transitioning into fall mode, with brightly colored browns and fish relocating to new areas of Crowley Lake and Bridgeport Reservoir as water temperatures begin to change. Crowley Lake is starting to pick up as the algae tries to hold on for a big longer, but the water is very fishable now compared to 2 weeks ago when the goo was thick. Bridgeport Reservoir has had most of the fish move out of the Buckeye, Robinson, and Walker channels and now moving into deeper water around the lake. Some fish in Crowley have migrated from McGee Bay over the north end, but both areas are still producing fish. The Lower Owens River flows have now reduced to 320 cfs and we are getting closer to wadeable levels in the Wild Trout section. The East Walker River is fishing very well with a great flow this time of year at 200 cfs. The Upper Owens River fish have scattered some, but there are some large rainbows and brown still lurking in select areas. Hot Creek is in great shape with a perfect fall flow and some great fish in both sections.
Crowley Lake’s fishing has been up and down, but some real standout days have been seen this last week. There are fish in McGee Bay and the North end of the lake anywhere between 6 – 15′ of water. The bite should really build here the next couple of weeks as more fish move into the Owens River channel. Midges, Assassins, Agent Orange and Punk Perch have been doing the best. Best flies have been midges like #14 -18 Blood Midge, SD Chironomidge, Mud Candy, Copper Tiger Midge, Puff O’ Smoke, and Dark Tiger Midge. Light and Dark Assassins in Parallel and Regular in #14 -18 have also been doing well. Light and Dark Punk Perch in Parallel and Regular have also been killer when the bite is on in #12 – 14.
Bridgeport Reservoir is still fishing well as the fish sense the cooler water and move back into the main lake areas. Midges in the mornings and afternoons have been getting fish. Larger patterns like assassins and pheasant tails fished as the upper fly have still been getting takes as the fish fatten up for the coming winter and feed heavily this time of year. Best flies here have been #12 – 14 punk perch dark and light in parallel and regular, Crystal Leech in the same size, Flashback Pheasant tails # 14 – 16, #16 – 20 Copper Tiger Midge, SD Chironomidge, Zebra Midge, and Blood Midge. Chase at the Marina has boats available for rent and we have been doing some guiding here as well..
Upper Owens River flows are holding at 75 cfs. The section below the bridge is now barbless only and artificias only, no bait. The section above the bridge is the same and zero limit. Fishing has really picked up here with fish holding in the deeper pools and undercut banks. Hoppers are still flying around and some good midge and mayfly hatches have been taking place. Look for short lived trico hatches in teh mornings along with midges. As the day gets warmer, you’ll see the hoppers starting to move. The fish are keying in on all of these offerings. Best nymphs have been Pheasant Tails in sized #16 -18, Copper Johns, Bead Prince Nymphs, Hare’s Ears, SD Crawlers in Red, #16 San Juan Worms, and various midges in #14 -20..
Hot Creek is fishing very well in both sections. Egg patterns are now getting some looks as the spawn season nears. #18-22 Pheasant tails, midges, assassins, caddis pupa, and serendipity have been getting the job done. The canyon section will be less pressured then the Interpretive Site. SJ worms #14 – 16, #18 Blood Midge, #18 – 20 Tungsten Zebra, #20 Bead Prince Nymph Tungsten, Broken Black and Blue Midge, #18 -20 Crystal Caddis Larva Green Black, #18 – 20 Crystal Copper Zebra Midge, #18 Flashback Hare’s Ear, #22 -24 Griffith’s Gnat, #20 Serendipity Black.
Lower Owens River is flowing at 300 cfs. Getting a bit closer to wadeable levels, especially in the Wild Trout section. Water clarity is looking great here as the flows continue to decrease. We will be starting drift boat trips down here very soon and anticipate good fishing.
East Walker River flows have settled down to 200 cfs. Fishing has really picked up here and so have the crowds. Most of the patterns listed for the waters above are getting the fish to play here. Larger streamer patterns have also been effective in the deeper sections. The water can still be swift at these flows, so proceed cautiously. We are seeing a mix of fish ranging from 14 – 26″. Heavier flies like Crawdads and Rubber Legs are good choices as well.
Thanks for reading our Eastern Sierra Fishing Report 10-10-23.

Thanks for reading our Eastern Sierra Fishing Report 9-19-23.