Here’s your Eastern Sierra Fishing Report 6-7-23. Weather this past week has been very pleasant with the occasional thunder shower here and there. Crowley Lake remains at a low level, but as flooding has started in the open fields and the creeks and rivers overflow we are starting to see a gradual rise in the lake level. Fishing on the lake has been very perchy some days, while other days the trout seem to be feeding like they normally would this time of year. Hot Creek, the Upper Owens, Lower Owens and East Walker are running at high levels and aren’t fishing very well currently. McGee Creek has some cutthroat moving up river now. Eagle and Pyramid Lake have been fishing very well. We got our summer wear back in stock. Check out our fine selection of Sierra Drifters Hats.
Crowley Lakeopened with a good start and as the midges started to build, so did the fishing. Currently there is a mix of perch and trout but the bite is turning more towards trout in recent days. Browns, rainbows and cutthroat are now showing and midges fished at different depths have been the key. Some hot spots have been Sandy Pt, Six Bays and the Hiltons..
Upper Owens River The river is now green as the wild grass has started to grow. Keep the mosquito repellant close as it is very buggy out there now and will continue to be this summer. Flows are high but there are a few cutthroat that have made their way up river. Other than that fishing is on the slower side here with higher than usual flows..
Hot Creek With the warmer weather, the water color turns brownish and fast by late morning early afternoon and flows are higher than we’ve seen here in quite some time at 221 cfs. Fishing will be tough here until the flows decrease. Early mornings will be best if you plan to fish here before the water level changes and the color turns. Flies to use: Egg patterns, SJ worms #14 – 16, #18 Blood Midge, #18 – 20 Tungsten Zebra, #20 Bead Prince Nymph Tungsten, Broken Black and Blue Midge, #18 -20 Crystal Caddis Larva Green Black, #18 – 20 Crystal Copper Zebra Midge, #18 Flashback Hare’s Ear, #22 -24 Griffith’s Gnat, #20 Serendipity Black.
Lower Owens River is blown out at 750cfs. We will not driftboat it at this flow nor will we wade it. This flow will continue or even increase as the spring progresses. We are writing it off here until the fall or the river stabilizes at a consistent flow rate.
East Walker River flows are high at 1160 cfs. Going to be a tough go if you fish here, but it can be done. Lots of weight to get those flies down is the key and be mindful of your safety. You’ll have to locate some slow pocket water. As we get into spring heavier flies like Crawdads and Rubber Legs are good choices.
Pyramid Lake is fishing very well right now from a boat. Shore anglers are having a tougher time despite many fish still in shallow water. Going deeper this time of year is the key, so a float tube or a boat are the ticket. The fish are feeding on tiny tui chub fry.
Eagle Lake is off to a great start. We have been getting great numbers of fish so far and they are all fat and pulling on our fly lines harder than ever. The lake is up 4 feet from last year and the amount of food in the lake is plentiful. We still have a few dates open for this month. Check out our Eagle Lake page for more information. For some moving picture action of Eagle Lake take a look at our videos.
Thanks for reading our Eastern Sierra Fishing Report 6-7-23.

Young Austin fished with Seth and bagged this nice brown trout on Crowley Lake.

Seth guided Cody to some real hefty brown trout like this one.

Cody and Rob with a double on beautiful brown trout.

Cody with another nice rainbow trout.

Don got this nice rainbow trout from Eagle Lake.

Lisa with a nice rainbow trout from Eagle Lake.

Chris displays a quality Eagle Lake rainbow trout.

Cara fished with Devin for this awesome brown trout on Crowley Lake.

Nick got some big cuthhroat trout with Seth like this one.

Missy fished with Devin and scored this nice brown trout.

Kristine fished with Seth and scored this sweet brown trout.

Chase displays a colorful brown trout from Crowley Lake while fishing with Seth.

The West Walker River is flowing strong and muddy.

The West Walker River is flowing strong and muddy

Lisa got into some quality brown trout while fishing with Seth.

Mike and Missy had a fun day with Devin on Crowley Lake and got this nice rainbow and brown trout.

Matt fished with Seth and got this nice brown trout.

Cara with another fish, this time a rainbow trout.

Missy with another awesome rainbow trout.

Austin and Nick show off a fat brown trout while fishing with Seth.
Thanks for reading our Eastern Sierra Fishing Report 6-7-23.