Cruising along right into the month of June now, with a major change in the weather. Run-off is going strong now and should pass fairly quickly with the minimal snowpack this year. High pressure set in and really bumped temperatures up for late spring. We saw lots of wind for the past month, and now sunny and warm days are prevailing, and just in time for family summer vacations in the eastern sierra. The road to the lakes basin in Mammoth is now open and there is access all the way to Horseshoe Lake. Looks like some slight cooling for next week is forecasted with some wind possibilities to return. This will create dangerous fire hazards for the eastern sierra and dry areas of the state. Crowley Lake has been continuing to fish very well. The bulk of the fish are beginning to move to deeper water as the lake level drops. The Upper Owens River still has a few cutthroat trout in various areas. San Joaquin River is still inaccessible by vehicle. Hot Creek getting low and weedy, but still fishing well along the clear routes. East Walker River flows are low again. A drought year is upon us!
The East Walker is running at 58 cfs now, and fishing here is limited to deeper runs again. Some larger fish are being caught on bigger streamers and crawdads. #16-18 various Midges, #16-18 Prince Nymphs, Rubber Legs, and Squirmy Worms in all colors have also been producing.
Hot Creek can fish well in the first few hours of the morning. Late mornings and into the afternoon will now show some stained water and slow down the hatches some as Mammoth Creek brings in cold snow melt. Smaller caddis larva patterns, SJ Worms, and midges, assassins light, and Pheasant tails can get you into fish.
The Upper Owens River has a few cutthroat now showing throughout the river but you will have to do some looking to find the pods. Some fish have died from the spawn and others have returned to the lake. They are in one spot one day and in another the next. Please do not fish to the cutthroat that run in a pair as they are established on their redds and have already started the spawn. The pods of fish that are vying for position are the ones that will bite your flies. Be careful to keep an eye out for lighter colored depressions in the gravel as these are holding eggs and fry that are very fragile, so please take extreme care if you are crossing or wading here.
Crowley Lake has been the best game in town. Great number of cutthroat, rainbow, and brown trout and good size too. Enormous midge hatches during the warmer days have continued to grow, and some afternoon moisture can be on tap for the afternoons. Most days have remained pleasant with a light breeze, creating the perfect conditions for fishing. The fish are hungry and feeding heavily on midges in the 16 – 22 size range. Weed growth has already started on the bottom and the sandy areas between them are giving up some terrific fish. Best patterns have been the #16 – #18 SD Chironomidge, #16 – 20 Tungsten Zebra, #16 Midge Larva, #12 -18 Blood Midge, #14 -18 Grey Water, #16 – 20 Red Butt Midge Dark Head and Glass Head, #16 -20 Red Rib Midge Glass Head, #18 Gillie Light and Dark, #16 – 20 Copper Tiger midge, #16 Broken Back Copper Tiger Midge, #14 – 16 Blood Midge, and #16 -18 Mud Candy.
Lower Owens River flows have ramped up to 325cfs range which is now tough for fishing. Warmer days in the Bishop area have set in now, but wading at this flow is tough with all the brush on the banks. There has been an explosion of ticks down here, so take care not to let your pets run around on the banks and make sure to check yourself after walking around here. Fish are spreading out and holding along the edges now.
The San Joaquin River access is still closed to vehicle access but Caltrans is making good progress in clearing the road. We may get an earlier season here than normal due to the lighter snowpack and earlier run-off. We will let you know when access is open.

Ron got into some nice fish like this brown trout from Crowley Lake while fishing with Seth.

Seth guided Gerald to this fat cutthroat trout from Crowley Lake.

Hans put Brooklyn on some nice fish like this cutthroat trout from Crowley Lake .

Seth guided Stephanie to some sweet fish like this Crowley Lake brown trout.

Here’s Brooklyn with another nice fish, this time a massive brown trout.

Matt fished with Hans and got this standout brown trout.

Seth got Jim on some nice cutthroat trout on the Upper Owens River.

Jim with another nice one.

Seth guided Brett to some good fish like this beautiful rainbow trout from Crowley Lake.

Hans guided Don and granddaughter Jaycee to some amazing fish like this awesome cutthroat trout.

Two Bug Doug guided Aiden to this fat cutthroat trout from Crowley .

Jim fished with Two Bug Doug and got this nice cutthroat trout from Crowley Lake.

Hans guided Don to this nice rainbow trout.

Devin guided Kevin to some great fish like this stunning cutthroat trout from Crowley Lake.

Brett with another nice rainbow trout guided by Seth.

Jaycee got an massive brown trout with Hans as her guide.

Bob fished with Devin and whacked some nice fish like this rainbow trout from Crowley Lake.

Kyle also fished with Devin and got this outstanding rainbow trout.

Kyle with another nice fish, a cutthroat trout.

Hans guided JoseAntonio to this nice cutthroat trout.

Doug Dolan guided Anne to this blimp of a cutthroat trout on Crowley Lake.

Bill is back on Crowley Lake with Hans and sports a stellar brown trout.

Two Bug guided Terry to some great fish like this cutthroat trout from Crowley Lake.

Bill with another nice rainbow trout.

Brian fished with Hans for this sweet rainbow trout.

Ray and Bob fished with Doug R. and display a nice cutthroat trout from Crowley Lake.

Seth guided Spencer, Maddox, and grandpa Jim to this awesome rainbow trout.

Doug R. guided Bob to this strong rainbow trout from Crowley Lake.

Jerry guided Dave to some big ones like this rainbow trout from Crowley Lake.

A double hook up on a brown and a rainbow trout for Steve and Dave while fishing with Jerry.

John got into the action while fishing with Jerry with some nice fish like this brown trout.

Maddox displays a nice brown trout from Crowley Lake while fishing with Seth.

Another nice cutthroat trout for Steve.

Aaron shows a late afternoon bite rainbow trout while fishing Doug R.

Maddox and grandpa Jim hit the East Walker River with Seth.

Spencer with another nice brown trout with Seth.

Spencer with another stunning rainbow trout from Crowley Lake.

Kurt fished with Jerry and got this great rainbow from Crowley Lake.

Jerry guided Tom to some big fish like this hefty rainbow trout from Crowley Lake.

Cory Barnett guided AJ to some great fish like this nice cutthroat trout from Crowley Lake.

Brian got into some great fish like this rainbow trout while fishing with Cory.

Cory put Colin on some real nice ones like this solid cutthroat trout.