More snow has come through to finish off the end of the year with more in the forecast. Just a few inches from the last storm were left behind with the same intensity from the forecasted storms ahead going into the new year. Once again, we would like to thank all of our past clients for fishing with us this year. It has been a real pleasure guiding you to some great fish, making new friends and advancing current relationships with our repeat clients.

The Upper Owens River is really starting to turn on now, as is typical for this time of year. Jumbo rainbows and the occasional large brown trout have been in the mix. January usually marks the bulk of the fish entering the river. We are accessing the river by snowmobile, and if the storms keep coming like they have been, we will continue to do so. Hot Creek is receiving very minimal fishing pressure currently, and it is a great area for seclusion while fishing. The Lower Owens River is still fishing well in the drift boat sections and the Wild Trout section. Good numbers of fish are coming to the net with streamers and nymphs.
Hot Creek You will have to walk in to access both the Interpretive Site and the canyon sections. Mornings have been icy cold, so 6am starts are not necessary here. Remember that smaller dry flies that we tend to fish in the winter months are usually small patterns which require a good dry fly floatant to keep your presentations looking real to the fish. You can purchase our line of High and Dry floatants here. We find this brand to be some of the best we have used. Flies to use: Egg patterns, SJ worms #14 – 16, #18 Blood Midge, #18 – 20 Tungsten Zebra, #20 Bead Prince Nymph Tungsten, Broken Black and Blue Midge, #18 -20 Crystal Caddis Larva Green Black, #18 – 20 Crystal Copper Zebra Midge, #18 Flashback Hare’s Ear, #22 -24 Griffith’s Gnat, #20 Serendipity Black.
Lower Owens River flows are great for wading currently. At last check, they were sitting around 79 cfs, but the LADWP gauge is not working correctly as of report time. Look for plenty of aggressive fish that are feeding heavily right now as the cold weather has snapped them into winter mode. We have been drifting in the lower sections and targeting the deep pools along the river with good success. Wade access in the wild trout section has been very good, and you can have a big number fish day currently with some real standout trophy trout making a showing. Smaller nymphs like #18 – 20 Flashback Pheasant Tails, #20 Serendipity Black and Red, #18 – 20 Tungsten Zebra Midge, #20 – 22 Crystal Chironomid Emerger Copper, #20 Red Rib Midge Glass and Dark Head, #18 -20 Crystal Caddis Olive Dubbed Black and Crystal Caddis Olive Larva Black have been catching trout here.
Upper Owens River More migratory rainbows have now entered the river and they are large. Small sized tippets will not do the job here, as these fish can do some pulling. Properly playing the fish in the strong current and deep water is mandatory to land these giants. After the last rain/snow storm a slight coloring of the water has occurred, but clarity is still excellent. Fish are currently taking different flies each day, so playing around with your fly patterns is key. Eggs, Pheasant tails, worms, midges, and leeches have been getting takes.
Pyramid Lake has been going strong. Numerous giant fish have been caught in great quantity. Fish are now moving into shallower water. We have November and March – June open for booking.

Josh displays a colorful rainbow trout from the Upper Owens River while fishing with Two Bug Doug.

Doug R. guided Tim to this hefty rainbow trout.

Check out the girth on this male rainbow trout.

Two Bug Doug guided Russ to some large rainbow trout like this one.

Here’s Russ with another piggy rainbow trout.

Jon fished with Two Bug and got this giant rainbow trout.

Justin was guided by Two Bug Doug and landed this hog of a rainbow trout.

Two Bug Doug guided Dave to some nice rainbow trout like this one.

Tom also fished with Two Bug and landed this nice rainbow trout.

Rick fished with Two Bug and got this giant rainbow trout.

Patrick and Leira display a solid Lower Owens River rainbow trout while fishing with Doug R.